What do the first chapters of Genesis reveal to us? What is the importance of these chapters for the people of Israel and for the church today? Many find these chapters puzzling, convinced there is tension between the findings of science and the statements of Scripture. How might a follower of Christ live with puzzlement and unresolved tension?
In a mini-series of academic lectures the Reformed Bible College will have two theologians investigate these questions. During the course of two evenings Dr. John Smith (CRTS, Hamilton) will explore hermeneutical and exegetical questions in relation to Genesis 1 & 2 – how do we read these Bible chapters and what are they saying. The third evening Dr. Karlo Janssen (Abbotsford Canadian Reformed Church) will explore questions relating to philosophy, epistemology, and logic (how do we have certainty) and questions relating to tolerance (can opinions differ in the Church of Christ).